Using Easy Help Center

To get started with your Easy Help Center support process, simply fill out the form located to the right of this page.
  1. Enter the email and zip code you used when registering or purchasing your product/service
  2. You will be presented with account(s) in our records that match your email/zip combination
  3. Select an action for the account you would like support for, including an option to immediately cancel the membership online with our simple, verified process.
  4. Once you submit the support form, you will be presented with a confirmation page and the option to have the confirmation emailed as well as request a phone call to confirm the cancellation has taken place.

Get Easy Support Now!

To get started, simply fill out the email and zip code you used when signing up for your account.

Email Address

ZIP Code

Please note that you information used in the support process is kept absolutely secure. We never share this information with third parties - it is used only to provide membership and product support for existing accounts.